The aim of the "InnoVersity" project was to establish the conception and prototypical implementation of an innovation management for the area of studies and teaching. The focus is on the student life cycle. Students should not only be a passive target group, but become active designers and develop their competences as users, and teachers should be given the opportunity to bring their "lighthouses" to the "surface".

Project duration

1 March 2015 to 31 July 2018

The project work took place on several levels:

  • Theoretical work was done on innovation management and development stages of projects. The state of affairs was prepared for internal discussion; the results were published.
  • Elements to support the digitisation strategy of the University of Paderborn in teaching were developed. These include the E-Learning Strategy Circle, the Teaching homepage on the homepage, the introduction of the E-Learning label, various documents on the further development of E-Learning at the University of Paderborn, the innovation prize for students, innovation seminars for students.
  • Both "technical" and "competence-oriented" innovations were identified, catalogued and classified. These innovations were developed especially by teachers and students and are already being tested in the everyday life of the University of Paderborn. InnoVersity has made these innovative projects visible on the university's homepage, accompanying, advising and supporting the university in the selection and implementation of suitable networking, further development and perpetuation models. Additional funds were raised for the PINGO tool in order to develop a sustainable business model in cooperation with InnoVersity.
  • The results were disseminated through lectures, workshops and publications.

The university is a place where groundbreaking technological advances, concepts and usage scenarios are created. If the university wants to profit more from these many innovative ideas and developments for its own digital research and teaching, it must accompany them more systematically than before. With InnoVersity, it is expanding its existing successful digitisation strategy. To support digitisation, a systematic innovation management system will be prototypically developed and evaluated on the basis of concrete scenarios.

In the area of innovation management, a number of fields of action arise: innovative ideas and projects are collected, documented, evaluated and, if necessary, accompanied, supported, innovators are networked with others and, if necessary, a way is worked out for a transfer to broader use and anchoring. Based on this, a process model is to be designed and established for the conception of innovation management. Part of the InnoVersity project is therefore to define the exact process. The process model will be developed, abstracted and evaluated on the basis of existing innovations.

The digitisation strategy resulting from the mission statement of the University of Paderborn pursues the goal of closely linking research and teaching and providing digital support in order to offer students and young researchers attractive study and research conditions. Research results and new methods and tools should be quickly disseminated in teaching. To this end, students and researchers must be supported by well-developed central services, both in terms of infrastructure and competence development. However, there should be no obligation for standardisation beyond organisational necessities (e.g. central campus management system), but coordination is nevertheless necessary to enable continuity and permanent dissemination.

The further development of the digitisation strategy is therefore on the one hand about maintaining the achieved status at a high level and expanding it in accordance with the university's strategic development plans. On the other hand, the university would like to reach a further qualitative level: The university's staff should not only have optimal working opportunities and make adequate use of them, but they should also actively participate in shaping the development of digital media and thus promote digitisation in research and teaching in a user-oriented manner.

At the Paderborn University, digitisation is not only a contemporary means of technical support, process optimisation and interaction such as communication. At the same time, it is also a strategic approach that is intended to expand the possibilities and implementation of knowledge work as a whole.  In this context, "digitisation" is understood to mean the support of university processes of teaching, research and administration through the use of information and communication technologies.

The University of Paderborn is moving between standardized and automated procedures suitable for everyday use, which are rolled out nationwide at a high level, and decentralized, but perfectly fitting lighthouses close to the core processes of research and teaching.

In order to consistently improve teaching, organisational and didactic measures must be developed, tested and anchored in addition to technical offers. The university has invested over 11 million euros in the project "Heterogeneity as an opportunity" – setting the course in decisive phases of the student life cycle" since 2011, which aims to improve the quality of studies and teaching in the long term.

Digitally supported teaching receives further impetus through various incentive systems. For example, the Presidential Board awards an annual prize for innovation and quality in teaching worth a total of €150,000, which is used to regularly support e-learning ideas and projects. In addition to the centrally initiated and responsible "top-down developments", promising ideas and concepts from students or from the chairs are to be supported ("bottom-up developments"). Furthermore, there are many ideas and approaches to support studies and teaching, but also to facilitate everyday university life, which are developed by teachers, young researchers and students alike.

At the Paderborn University there are numerous projects in the field of digitisation of teaching. An overview of the teaching projects can be found in this documentation.

An overview of students' projects can be found on the pages on the innovation award for students.

The analysis of the current status of innovation management in universities showed that there are very few studies on this area. The available studies clearly indicate the difficulty of innovation management at universities. The decentralised structure and the relative autonomy of the individual professors and working groups promote innovation activity, but this in turn prevents new concepts and methods from being anchored across the board. Due to the decentralised structure of the university, the Open Innovation approach was chosen in the project, which opens up the innovation process and thus allows a variety of different places for innovation. This approach supports the search for innovative teachers, but also students, for example through workshops, tool kits and the creation of communities/networking.

The ACTUAL analysis of digitisation projects at the University of Paderborn revealed a high level of innovation among teachers. Around 30 projects were identified. It became clear that the decentralised and inconsistent presentation of the projects on their own websites, subwebsites of the professorships and decentralised institutions is a challenge for innovation management. For the conception of a university-wide innovation management there are also consequences regarding the conception of a new IT infrastructure and services: Projects must be presented centrally and uniformly. The current status is documented under

With regard to student innovations, it has become clear that there is a great need here for support measures by the university, but at the same time implementation is not easy. Courses, information, incentives such as prizes, but also self-designed laboratory environments and carers have proven to be successful measures.

Within the University of Paderborn, the digitisation strategy for teaching and studies has been further developed together with the results from InnoVersity.

The project results were regularly reported on at workshops and conferences. All results were summarised in a guideline with recommendations for action, which is currently being published.

2018 Jannica Budde, Gudrun Oevel, Melanie Wilde: "Lehr-/Lerninnovationen nachhaltig gestalten – ein Leitfaden“, April 2018. Download.
2017 Jannica Budde, Iris Neiske, Gudrun Oevel: "Ausgestaltung einer sozio-technischen Infrastruktur für die Verbreitung und nachhaltige Verankerung von digitaler Lehre". In: Maximilian Eibl, Martin Gaedke (Hrsg.): INFORMATIK 2017 Lecture Notes in Informatik (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2017. Download.
2017 Jannica Budde: "Teachers as Innovators – Innovationsmanagement als Teil der Digitalisierungsstrategie". In: Martin Baumann, Annalena Wernz u.a. (Hg.): Teaching is Touching the Future & ePS 2016 – Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren, Lernen und Prüfen, Bielefeld (UVW) 2017.

Jannica Budde, Gudrun Oevel: „Innovationsmanagement an Hochschulen: Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der Digitalisierung von Studium und Lehre“. In: Heinrich C. Mayr, Martin Pinzger (Hrsg.): INFORMATIK 2016 Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2016. Download.

28.09.17  Jannica Budde, Iris Neiske: „Ausgestaltung einer sozio-technischen Infrastruktur für die Verbreitung und nachhaltige Verankerung von digitaler Lehre“ – Vortrag beim Workshop Hochschule 2027 im Rahmen der GI Jahrestagung, TU Chemnitz.
11.09.17 Jannica Budde, Iris Neiske (in Kooperation mit Simone Grimmig, Kaiserlautern): „Welche Kompetenzen benötigen Lehrende für die digitale Lehre und wie können diese erworben werden?“ – Workshop beim Netzwerktreffen des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung „Netzwerk für die Hochschullehre“, Berlin.
30.03.17 Jannica Budde, Dorothee Meister, Gudrun Oevel, Melanie Wilde: „Kooperationspotentiale systematisch erkennen und stärken“ – Vortrag bei der 12. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung „Digitalisierung der Hochschulen: Forschung, Lehre und Administration", LU Hannover (Kooperation mit QUASID).
30.09.16 Jannica Budde: „Teachers as Innovators – Wo sind die digitalen Lehrideen der Zukunft?" – Vortrag bei „Teaching is Touching the Future“ & ePrüfungs-Symposium ePS 2016, RWTH Aachen (aufgrund von Krankheit ausgefallen).
25.09.16 Jannica Budde: „Innovationsmanagement an Hochschulen" – Vortrag beim Workshop Hochschule 2026 im Rahmen der GI Jahrestagung, AAU Klagenfurt, Österreich.
14.09.16 Gudrun Oevel:  „Innovationsmanagement als Teil der Digitalisierungsstrategie der Universität Paderborn" – Vortrag bei der ZKI/DINI-Jahrestagung, Universität Ulm.
16.02.16 Jannica Budde: "Nachhaltigkeit der Digitalisierung in Forschung, Studium und Lehre“ – Vortrag am Tag der Lehre 2016, Universität Paderborn.
03.06.2017 Gastvortrag: Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung – Folgen für die Hochschulen (Werner Hülsmann, stellv. Vorsitzender der Deutschen Vereinigung für Datenschutz (DVD) e.V.)
14.02.2017 Netzwerktreffen Digitalisierung in der Lehre zum Thema Ausgründung (in Kooperation mit TecUp)
18.01.2017 Vergabe des ersten Innovationspreises für Studierende
WiSe 2016/17 Projektseminar: Erfinderwerkstatt - Ich verändere die Universität
07.12.2016 Gastvortrag: Apps entwickeln mit Android (Dr. Simon Oberthür, SICP)
12.07.2016 Netzwerktreffen Digitalisierung in der Lehre (im Rahmen der lernPause)
24.05.2016 Gastvortrag: Privacy by Design und Privacy by Default (Dr. Kai-Uwe Loser, Ruhruniversität Bochum)
SoSe 2016 Projektseminar: Erfinderwerkstatt - Ich verändere die Universität
16.02.2016 Präsentation von InnoVersity beim "Tag der Lehre 2016" an der Universität Paderborn
08.12.2015 Studi-Workshop "Uni-Alltag und Studium innovativ gestalten"
Date Mention
March 2017 als best practice in: Monitor Digitale Bildung. Die Hochschule im digitalen Zeitalter. CHE & Bertelsmann Stiftung.
December 2016 In: Strategieoptionen für Hochschulen im Digitalen Zeitalter. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung Arbeitspapier 29. 
10.05.2016 Transparent in die IT-Zukunft der Uni Paderborn. universal
11.09.2015 Leuchttürme in die Fläche bringen. Pressemitteilung der Universität Paderborn
April 2015 Universität Paderborn gewinnt Strategiewettbewerb zur Digitalisierung der Hochschulbildung. PUZ
18.02.2015 Digital Natives sollen Ideen beisteuern. Uni setzt sich in Strategiewettbewerb durch. Neue Westfälische
29.01.2015 Uni Paderborn fördert Digitalisierung. Die Glocke
28.01.2015 Universität Paderborn gewinnt neben RWTH Aachen als eine von zwei Universitäten in Deutschland Strategiewettbewerb zur Digitalisierung der Hochschulbildung. Pressemitteilung der Universität Paderborn

Paderborn University
Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Project InnoVersity
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Project leadership:

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel, head of the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Project management:

Jannica Budde
Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)
Phone: 0 52 51 / 60-5370