The aim of the GreenPAD project was to develop, test and transfer an energy-optimal ICT infrastructure model for regional economic and scientific clusters based on cloud computing. The ICT infrastructure of the regional area (SMEs in the technology park, spin-offs from the university, public institutions from education and research) was bundled in a shared data center operation to reduce the overall energy demand. In addition, it was investigated how regionally generated, regenerative energy can be used for the operation of the data center in the future. The so-called "green control center", which shifts computing power to times when a lot of regenerative energy is produced, contributes to this. In addition, extensive measurements of the energy consumption from the computer center operation (PUE, server, network components) to the client were carried out.
At IMT, the main focus was on setting up, carrying out and optimizing energy consumption measurements, as well as designing and prototypically implementing an energy-efficient regional cloud in PPP.
Project duration: 1.6.2011 - 31.5.2014
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Maximilian Boehner, Rainer Funke, Christopher Odenbach, Heiko Nöthen, Sabine Mennen, Sebastian Porombka
unilab AG, Dr. Lars Kemper
- PC2, Universität Paderborn
- Universität Mainz, Prof. Dr. A. Brinkmann
- Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
- E.ON Westfalen Weser AG
BMWi (
IT2Green (
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- Zwischenbericht für das Projekt GreenPAD Arbeitspaket AP 1.3 – Energie-Management: Netzwerkkomponenten
- Forschungsergebnisse Projekt GreenPad
- Abschlussbericht für das Projekt GreenPad
- M. Boehner, "Optimization the Energy-Consumption of WLAN-Infrastructures", Master's Thesis, Universität Paderborn, 2012
- Boehner, M., Oevel, G., Porombka, S.: Energieeffizienz im WLAN. In: Müller, P., Neumair, B., Reiser, H., Dreo Rodosek, G. (Eds.): 7. DFN Forum Kommunikationstechnologien – Beiträge der Fachtagung 16./17.6.2014 Fulda. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-231, Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik 2014, pp. 33-43
- (zugriffsgeschützt)
- 1. Platz für die Ergebnisse der Masterarbeit von Maximilian Boehner in der Kategorie Forschung beim Deutschen Rechenzentrumspreis 2014: