DaL­iS@OWL - Data com­pet­ences for re­search, busi­ness and so­ci­ety

DaLiS@OWL (short form of DataLiteracySkills@OWL) is the project of Bielefeld University (consortium leader), the University of Paderborn and Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences for the cross-disciplinary and cross-university teaching of Data Literacy Skills (DaLiS) for students of all subjects. The project aims to prepare students for a professional world and social debate that is increasingly data-driven by means of an application-oriented, interdisciplinary teaching of data literacy skills.

The IMT supports the project in its implementation, among other things by providing technical platforms at the University of Paderborn such as learning management systems and, in the future, a Jupyter platform.

Project period: 1.3.2020 - 28.2.2023

Further information can be found on the project website at https://www.campus-owl.eu/projekte/dalis.