Com­pet­ence Cen­ter for Mu­sic, Edi­tion, Me­dia

The Center for Music - Edition - Media takes musical and other primarily non-textual objects in the context of digital editions into consideration, focusing on these objects both in the totality of their media representations and from a variety of specialist perspectives. It includes existing and future projects and cooperations and bundles the competences of the participating institutions, which with their specific research questions want to examine the entire complex of digital music/media editions and with the results of their work create the conditions to be permanently available as a contact for this area.

Project duration: 1.9.2014 - 31.8.2017


Competence center in the field of digital humanities

Participating institutions

  • Institute of Computer Science, Department of Human-Computer Interaction and Software Technology (MCI)
  • Institute of Computer Science, Contextual Computer Science Group (KI)
  • Institute of Computer Science, Software Quality Lab (SL)
  • Institute for Media Studies, Media Education and Empirical Media Research (MP)
  • Institute for Media Studies, Media Organisation and Media System (MÖ)
  • Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn (MW)
  • Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)
  • Centre for Music and Film Information Technology (ZMF)


New resources in the humanities: eHumanities


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