Call for tender: in­nov­a­tion award for stu­dents

Digital transformation of the university

Apps, websites, digital teaching/learning concepts ... the digital change in university teaching is manifold. But what requirements and wishes do students have in terms of studying, learning and university? What is the most innovative student idea at the University of Paderborn? Within the InnoVersity project we are looking for the student innovators of today and award the first innovation prize for students.

In this competition students are awarded who innovatively shape teaching and learning as well as everyday university life at the University of Paderborn - through apps and other tools that make personal campus life easier, but also through innovative digital concepts, for example for tutorials or learning groups that combine learning on site and online. Idea sketches, concepts or descriptions of already running projects can also be submitted.

Anyone can join in!

Students know campus life at the University of Paderborn and their needs best. Therefore the competition is aimed at all students of the university. Applications from student groups are expressly welcome. The three most innovative projects will be awarded a total of 1750 Euros, which will be divided by the jury. Part of the prize money must be used for the further development or realisation of the project.

Important: The best ideas will be awarded. Originality decides. The second criterion is the degree of realisation or feasibility. The winners will be portrayed in detail on the InnoVersity project website.

Here's how it goes:

Present us your project in a concept paper (max. 10 DIN A4 pages) and submit your concept paper by e-mail by 31 October 2016. The submission should not exceed 10 pages.

You should address the following points in the concept paper:

  1. Brief sketch and problem approach or motivation
  2. Basics
    Describe briefly the context in which the project was developed (e.g. student group, department, seminar context, etc.)
    Briefly outline, if necessary, the technical basics of your project, weigh up between different approaches if necessary.
  3. Environment analysis
    Do similar courses already exist, for example at other universities?
    If so, how does your offer/project differ?
    If so, what is the innovative aspect of your project? What is specific to the Paderborn University?
  4. Detailed description of the concept (supplemented by program code etc.)
    User group or target group
    organisational and, if necessary, didactic conception and implementation
    technical conception, possibly with prototype or implementation
  5. Risk analysis and feasibility/status of implementation
    Describe the status of the implementation or make statements on the feasibility
    What are the potential difficulties and risks in implementation? What are their causes?
    For implemented projects: What were the difficulties and risks? How did you master them? What future risks do you see coming?
    How do you assess the sustainability of your project? Where do you see difficulties? What are the causes?
  6. Vision and planning of the prize money
    What is the next step and how would you like to implement your concept?
    What possibilities do you see for a sustainable anchoring?
    How would you like to use the prize money (1st place probably 1000 Euro) for the implementation or further development of your project/concept/offer? 

Important: The prize is intended to promote volunteer work, not to support start-ups. The participation of commercial projects is therefore excluded.